I have created a template and applied dbname and userName filter as required.
- Performance Statistics
- ShowPlanAll
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- SQL batch completed
- Sql batchStarting
- Sql StmtCompleted
- Sql StmtStarting
After running trace,Now I have data in my table ,next step is to query that data.I found it is difficult for new user to extract data.So I thought why not to share it with others.
--Definitation of column used in query
--CPU: Amount of CPU time (in milliseconds) used by the event.But when store to table/file it will be
--Duration:Amount of time (in milliseconds) taken by the event.But when store to table/file it will be
--micro second 10^6
--Writes:Number of physical disk writes performed by the server on behalf of the event.
--Reads:Number of logical disk reads performed by the server on behalf of the event.
--Event Class:Type of event class captured.
--TextData:Text value dependent on the event class captured in the trace. However, if you are tracing a parametrized query, the variables will not be displayed with data values in the TextData column.
--Query to read trace table
COUNT(*) AS TotalExecutions ,
EventClass ,
CAST(TextData AS NVARCHAR(4000)) AS query ,
SUM(Duration) / 1000000 AS DurationTotal_Sec ,
--SUM(Duration) / 1000000/COUNT(*) AS DurationTotal_per_call_Sec ,
SUM(CPU)/ 1000 AS CPUTotal_Sec ,
SUM(Reads) AS ReadsTotal ,
SUM(Writes) AS WritesTotal
FROM tmptracetable -- table that contains the trace results
--WHERE eventclass IN ( 12 ) --batch completed
--WHERE eventclass IN ( 41 ) --stmt completed
GROUP BY EventClass ,
CAST(TextData AS NVARCHAR(4000))
--un comment required order clause as per your needs
ORDER BY DurationTotal_sec DESC
--Order by ReadsTotal desc
--ORDER BY WritesTotal DESC
--ORDER BY DurationTotal_per_call_Sec DESC
In trace table you will have event class id, if you want to know event name to filter your trace search, use the
following query
-- Query to view event class name
TE.name ,
FROM tmptracetable T -- table that contains the trace results
JOIN sys.trace_events TE ON T.EventClass = TE.trace_event_id
--WHERE t.eventclass IN (12,41)
ORDER BY t.eventclass
name eventclass
SQL:BatchCompleted 12
SQL:BatchStarting 13
SQL:StmtStarting 40
SQL:StmtCompleted 41
Showplan All 97
Showplan XML 122
Performance statistics 165
and rest is ongoing :)
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